The meaning and symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome are examined at oriental medicine clinics

The meaning and symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome are examined at oriental medicine clinics

Those who had a busy day had no choice but to be stressed out. And when I was working at the same time, I couldn’t even keep eating time regularly, so it was hard to form a good habit because I slept soundly late at night or moved less.Women were able to experience temporary menstrual irregularities due to the worsening hormonal imbalance caused by these situations. However, if the activity has been unstable for a long time, it was necessary to suspect polycystic ovarian syndrome and visit for quick care.

Women who have the ability to conceive had to menstruate according to their patterns every month, but if the cycle was repeatedly shifted or skipped frequently, it should have been seen as a defect in the body. If you’re not pregnant, but you’ve been menstruating for more than three months, it was wise to take time to be vigilant and investigate the changes that have occurred to your body.

What is the meaning of polycystic ovarian syndrome?This disease was caused by the increase in male hormones due to the disturbance of female hormones secreted by the ovary. As a result, it could be seen as one of the metabolic diseases because it causes ovulation disorders.If several follicles were formed in the uterus when ultrasound was performed, and if they were shaped like beads, they would be diagnosed. One follicle had to grow every month, but if more than 10 follicles grow simultaneously and do not ovulate, symptoms such as menstrual irregularity and amenorrhea will be accompanied.Many women were familiar with polycystic ovarian syndrome. In fact, it was one of the most common endocrine diseases experienced by about 5 to 10 percent of pregnant women. This is a disease that requires steady management, so I asked for careful management.It was difficult to figure out exactly what caused the problem. However, as it is classified as metabolic disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure, it could be thought of as a problem caused by a combination of various factors. If one of the family members experienced it, it was highly likely to be inherited, and hormonal disturbances caused by stress, overwork, disproportionate eating habits, drinking, smoking, and lack of activity were the main causes.Insulin resistance could also have faced these problems. It was possible to face insulin if it had problems with its function to lower blood sugar levels due to stimulating food, high calories, and excessive carbohydrate intake. If you are obese, you are more likely to be exposed, so weight control was essential. Higher blood levels promote male hormone secretion, which can lead to diseases, so we had to be careful.What are the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome?If you gained a lot of weight and continued to menstruate irregularly, you had to consider polycystic ovarian syndrome. The main symptom that appears was ovulation disorder. At the same time, the cycle broke the pattern of 21-35 days, and it became longer than 40 days or menstruation did not occur for more than 3 months. I shouldn’t have thought about it more easily because it can be accompanied by abnormal symptoms such as irregular bleeding.Along with menstrual pain, appetite increased significantly, and flab concentrated in certain areas. And there were a lot of pimples on the face, and hyperandrogenemia could lead to polyhairia and various uterine diseases.I should never have taken it so easily. No matter how well-experienced impurities are, it should be remembered that if they are not managed in time, they can be the main causes of infertility and infertility that cannot be conceived. In addition, as you may face fatal diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer, it was recommended to consider ways to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome.Many women even took hormones, or contraceptives, to manage this. This method can restore the menstrual cycle again, but it was not the right treatment because it did not help to care for hormonal imbalances. If a uniform plan is applied without knowing what cause it is caused, it can help improve symptoms immediately, but it was difficult to prevent the situation from repeating when it was suspended.If you take it indiscriminately to form a distorted menstrual cycle, you might face side effects. Contraceptives did not induce ovulation, but only the endometrium was artificially removed, so it was not a way to restore ovarian function.Therefore, it was not bad to take this opportunity to apply conservative treatment from oriental medicine clinics to reduce secondary damage as much as possible. After examining the individual’s constitution, causes, symptoms, health conditions, life/eating habits, etc., they guided us through the appropriate process. I liked it because they took care of the symptoms and the cause while minimizing the burden on my body.Chinese herbal care in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome actually proved effective. I wanted to tell you that I can maintain the proper cycle for a long time because I helped promote ovulation by alleviating problems such as ovulation, hyperandrogenemia, and insulin resistance one by one, and helping the reproductive organs function normally again.In addition, I wanted to tell you that it helps discharge internal waste and fish blood and improves circulation capacity, so you can correct hormonal imbalances and expect positive prognosis. At the same time, if daily efforts to activate the correct biorhythm were made in parallel, it was possible to proceed without any problems in preparing for pregnancy.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next one