[키즈10] 아기 유산균 추천, 유산균 키즈 후기

[키즈10] 아기 유산균 추천, 유산균 키즈 후기

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Two types of lactobacillus derived from breast milk contained lactobacillus derived from kimchi, and the number of probiotics that help with the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria, inhibition of harmful bacteria, and intestinal health was 17.8 billion, and the number of guaranteed bacteria was 3 billion, so I thought our babies could eat it without any inconvenience. And in the case of zinc, it was expected that it would serve as a protective measure for our baby’s immunity by containing 100% of the daily intake of zinc (a total of 8.5 mg) required for normal immune function.previous image next imageIt was the most important part, but it is said that the product was made to ensure excellent survival rate in the intestine by specially coating lactobacillus with Durabec coating and probiocap coating. In addition, it is said that the company pursued no additives and no excipients to exclude unnecessary ingredients and used enzyme-treated stevia (substituted ingredients). No matter how good the product is, it becomes a story that you don’t need all of the above when your baby doesn’t eat it, but in the case of the premium lactobacillus zinc for kids’ 10 years of life, it tastes like an apple that our love for home is very much loved!
previous image next image우리 아기가 사과를 너무 잘 먹어서 Kids10 락토바실러스 아연이 사과 맛이 나서 잘 먹을 거라고 기대를 많이 했어요. 그런데 아기에게 주기 전에 걱정했던 건 제형이었어요.previous image next imageIt’s a powder form, not a jelly form, so you can feed it right away, but I couldn’t eat the powder right away, so I mixed it with Sarang’s drink before. Sometimes I refused the melted drink itself, so I opened a bag with a little concern and put it in my mouth.previous image next image하지만 아기들의 성장은 어제와 오늘이 달라서 더 이상 음료에 녹지 않고 가루로 줘도 환한 미소를 보이며 다시 원한다는 표현을 합니다.

previous image next image너무 맛있게 먹고 다시 달라고 하는 걸 보니 Kids10 락토바실러스 아연 사랑이 제 입맛에 딱 맞았던 것 같아요. 맛을 보니 엄마, 아빠가 맛을 봤는데 너무 달지 않고 맛있더라고요.previous image next imageWhen feeding lactobacillus, you can eat it in a variety of ways according to your children’s taste. [Eat 1 bag once a day] ▷Stick with ▷Juice with ▷Water with ▷Milk. When feeding lactobacillus with lactobacillus, it is recommended to eat it 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals so that as many lactobacillus live as possible to get to the intestines, and drink water on an empty stomach or immediately after waking up, dilute your stomach acid, and eat it.previous image next imageIf you are worried about whether to feed your baby lactobacillus far, I recommend the Yonsei Life Health Kids10 Children’s Premium Lactobacillus Zinc, which was made with our baby’s immunity in mind. You can check the link below for more information.연세키즈10 어린이 프리미엄 유산균 아연 프로바이오틱스 장건강 2gx30팩, 120팩: 연세키즈10 어린이 프리미엄 유산균 아연 프로바이오틱스 장건강 Naver.me보통 온라인 백화점에서는 오프라인 백화점에서 이용할 수 있습니다.

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